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Turning Remotely Working Individuals into Team

Channelise Teammates' energy into positivity and unlock the potential of working individuals through systematic planning of daily work

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Virtual Team Meeting

How Do We Make Your Team Life Easier? 


Empowering Remote Teams,
Growing Leaders 

Integrate VERVE with SLACK & start setting new standards in

Team Leadership Development 

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Peer Appreciations

This feature improves the ability to look at a good part and good work of others, enhances bonding between teams

Peer Feedbacks

Quarterly feedback to help peers to know what they are doing good and how they can improve

Daily Work Threads

Helps to keep on track with daily tracking of work and keeps the whole team at the same page 


Make your team member's day by complimenting them and boosting their confidence.


Quarterly feedback to help peers to know what they are doing good and how they can improve


Engage your team with quick polls in Slack using Verve-Polls to ask questions and gather votes instantly.

Dependency Threads

Planning leaves have become much easier. Just choose a substitute and hand over your work dependencies ahead of time.

Our plans

Discover the Perfect Plan for Your Team!

Choose a plan tailored to your team’s size and needs. Our simple pricing is per user, per month.

  • Basic Plan: Essential features for small teams.

  • Professional Plan: Advanced capabilities for growing teams.

  • Enterprise Plan: Comprehensive solutions for large organizations.

Coming Soon: Easy payment options through our platform.

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